Welcome to the magical Yuletide season, Desert Rose family!
As the winter air fills with the spirit of the holidays, we invite you to discover our curated collection of 12 exquisite gifts. Sing along through the twelve days of Yule as we explore these enchanting selections, perfect for anyone who deserves a sprinkle of goddess-like grace this festive season!
As we bid farewell to Aries Season, we say hello to Taurus! In Taurus Season, we may work on grounding the new and exciting energies we cultivated during the time of Aries. Read on for inspiration and supportive elements to assist you in this transition, specially curated for you, from our Desert Rose Goddess Team!
Have you ever wondered where zodiac symbols derive from? Why the Pisces constellation depicts two fish, or what other ancient origins lie amongst the stars? Explore this post to hear from The Desert Rose Goddess Team on all things Pisces mythology & magick! ✨