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Letting Go to Make Space: A Mabon Reflection

Letting Go to Make Space: A Mabon Reflection

Embrace the energy of Mabon by reflecting on what’s truly yours to do. Learn how letting go and delegating can create space for clarity, growth, and abundance in both personal and professional life.

Hey there,


I’ve been really in it lately. Like… really in it. Running three businesses, being in a marriage, hitting 39, and realizing my body and mind need way more support than they did ten years ago—it’s been a wild ride. And it’s really pushed me to deepen into the question I’ve been living with: “What would I love?”


You’ve probably heard me talk about this before—how “What would I love?” is the scariest, most vulnerable question you can ask yourself. What if the answer doesn’t include the things you currently have in your life? What if asking that question makes you realize you’re not as happy as you thought you were? It’s terrifying, right? And maybe you’ll ask the question and find out you actually love your life just as it is. If that’s the case, I’m celebrating the heck out of you! For me, though, my desires are always evolving, and I swear, my husband’s probably got whiplash trying to keep up.


Lately, I’ve been diving deep into my role within the three businesses I own—Becca Rose, Desert Rose, and Pelham Grayson Rose—and asking myself, “What’s really mine to do here?” Should I be in the stores, helping customers? Should I handle buying, manage the team, or come up with the marketing plan? And if I’m doing all that, who’s holding space and listening for what’s next? How do I do all of this for three businesses?


After attending Council at Sarah Jenks’, it hit me hard that by doing too many things, I was blocking myself from being a clear channel for the divine wisdom that’s meant to guide what’s next for these businesses. With the incredible support of Eden, our High Lady Manager and my right-hand woman, I was able to hand off a bunch of tasks to people who are not only capable but amazing at them. And guess what? They’re doing those tasks better than I ever could (would you be okay with someone doing something better than you? This was really something I had to learn to be okay with) because those tasks aren’t mine to do. This has freed me up to really hold space and listen to what’s next for my community at each business.


So, let’s talk about you. Whether you’re a mom, a CEO, a barista, a cashier, or a business owner like me, I know you’re probably wearing a ton of hats. And while that might feel necessary, it’s also exhausting.


To the moms out there: I see you, juggling a million things—cooking, cleaning, chauffeuring, planning, organizing… the list goes on. But what if you let your partner or kids handle a few of those chores? Maybe you set up a carpool with another parent, or say “no” to organizing that school event this time around (in fact, I encourage you to say “no” to at least ONE thing this week). You might be surprised at how much more present you can be for your Self when you’re not stretched so thin.


To the CEOs: I know you’re in all the meetings, reviewing every detail of every project, thinking that by being involved in everything, you’re ensuring success. But what if you trusted your team a little more? What if you delegated some of those tasks so you could focus on the big picture, on leading your company in a direction that only you can see? When you create that space, magic happens. Trust me.


To the retail and service workers: Whether you’re making lattes, stocking shelves, or serving customers, I know you’re balancing so much—working long hours, keeping up with demands, and often taking on tasks that go beyond your job description. But what if you asked for more support from your coworkers? Maybe you switch shifts to create more balance, or speak up when you need a break. You deserve to have the energy to enjoy your life outside of work, too.


To the business owners: I get it—delegating can be scary, especially when it involves spending money. But think about the cost of not delegating. If you’re buried in the daily grind, how are you going to find the time and energy to grow your business? Hiring someone to handle the stuff that’s not your zone of genius might feel like an expense, but it’s an investment that can pay off big time when you’re free to focus on what you do best—growing, innovating, and connecting with your customers.


And hey, not everything has to cost money. Maybe you trade services with someone, ask for help from friends or family, or just simplify things so there’s less to manage in the first place (seriously, take a good look at everything you’re doing and just start eliminating things that are just not necessary). The key is to recognize that your time and energy are precious. When you focus on what’s truly yours to do, everything else falls into place.


As we move into Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, it’s the perfect time to reflect on this. Mabon is all about celebrating the harvest—reaping what we’ve sown, and letting go of what no longer serves us. Imagine you’re a beautiful peach tree. You’re carrying so many peaches, but not all of them are ripening. Some of them aren’t yours to nourish, so they hang there, draining your energy. But as you let those peaches fall away, the ones that remain grow bigger, juicier, and more delicious. By releasing what isn’t yours to do, you’re making room for the true gifts that are yours to bring to life.


So, take a deep breath with me. Look at your life and ask yourself: What am I doing that isn’t really mine to do? What can I let go of so I can fully step into what is mine? When you release the tasks that aren’t yours, you’re not just creating space—you’re creating the freedom to step into your power and do what you’re here to do, with all the love and clarity in your heart.


Let’s do this together. Let’s do less of what isn’t ours and more of what is. This Mabon, let’s celebrate the juiciness of life by letting go of what’s holding us back, and making room for the abundance that’s waiting to flow in.


And if you want some help with this, I invite you to come into our event space for one of our upcoming events, all of which are designed to bring you even closer to your Soul’s calling.


With all my love and light,

